Try it out for free! Keeping a log of the events is possible, but unfortunately, it can be a pain to check the log because it is not user-friendly and it can be difficult to sift through the events because they are not straightforward. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a workaround! You can configure the system to send out emails whenever an activity takes place using Windows event viewer email notification, this way you can stay up-to-date.

How can I get email alerts in the Windows Event Viewer?

1. Create a Powershell script 

$EventId = 16,20,23,150,219,220$A = Get-WinEvent -MaxEvents 1 -FilterHashTable @{Logname = “System” ; ID = $EventId}$Message = $A.Message$EventID = $A.Id$MachineName = $A.MachineName$Source = $A.ProviderName$EmailFrom = “[email protected]"$EmailTo = “[email protected]"$Subject =“Alert From $MachineQ”$Body = “EventID: $EventIDnSource: $SourcenMachineQ: $MachineQ `nMessage: $Message”$SMTPServer = “”$SMTPClient = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587)$SMTPClient.EnableSsl = $true$SMTPClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("[email protected]”, “[email protected]”);$SMTPClient.Send($EmailFrom, $EmailTo, $Subject, $Body) Install a third-party SMTP service provider and configure the settings properly as instructed by the provider. Also, confirm if you’ve given the correct destination email; otherwise, you won’t receive any email. SPONSORED Once done, save the script on your computer, for example, C:\ScriptsPowerShell\eventnotification-send-email.ps1 Now follow the below steps to enable email notification for all the events.

2. Setting up notifications of events using Task Scheduler

3. Create a Scheduled Task

4. Automate the deployment

If you are an administrator or if you simply want to keep track of all the events that are happening on your system, you could keep track of them using Windows Event Viewer, but the program is not straightforward. Hence, you can have all the events emailed to you and keep yourself updated. Feel free to share your experience with us by using the comment section found below this guide.

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